Monday, April 13, 2009

One tired mama

It is so much harder to find the time to post an update here now that I'm not stuck in a hospital bed with nothing better to do with my time. I barely have any time to sleep, and what I do get doesn't even come close to fitting the simplest description of the word. Nights are impossible because Emmett is feeding practically every 45 minutes at night which just doesn't give me any time at all, and then when I think I have a little bit of time to take a nap during the day my neighbors kid is blasting his annoying as hell music. I will be very glad wen he leaves again after his spring break is over. We've asked time and time again but does he give a rats ass that there's a newborn right next door who doesn't like the racket - not to mention his very, very irritable mommy. I feel like I'm the irritable grisly right now. So if you don't hear from me again I'll probably have been arrested for assaulting a stereo or who knows what else. Rob has to go back to work sometime this week, which I am dreading. He's been great about doing things around the house, cooking, and taking Emmett when he's done eating so I can try and get some rest. I am not looking forward to having him home all day and I'm really not sure I'm ready to do everything on my own just yet.

Ok, taking too much time here already. I'll try and update and get a few pictures uploaded to Photobucket tomorrow after his well-baby check up!

2 comments on "One tired mama"

Me on April 14, 2009 at 1:45 AM said...

It will get easier - you just have to hang in there through all of this. Those first weeks are the toughest. Just remember - it is okay to think there is no way you can do another minute. Don't be afraid to ask for help, and give a bottle if you have to. Congratulations!! - Tkeys

Kari on April 14, 2009 at 7:29 AM said...

I hope things get easier soon. It is time for you to be able to have something go your way for a change!