Saturday, January 17, 2009

Everybody Loves Loot

Bedrest day: 13
Hospital day: 3

I got a surprise phone call from my dad today. Very out of the blue if you ask me. It may not be shocking news to most people, but my dad - wait, let me specify, my biological father - and I are not the closest of father/daughter pairs. I've probably talked to him about once a year on average, gotten the birthday/Christmas presents and all that, and been to visit him twice over two summers (one was my freshman year in high school, the other was after my senior year in high school). Usually if we're going to talk, I've always been the one who had to initiate the contact. I'd rather not air out the rest of the dirty laundry in our relationship, but maybe you can start to see why it was a big surprise to hear his voice on the other end of the line.

It was an awkward conversation, but it was nice to have his support and well wishes. My dad, his wife, and their kids are now the closest family that either of us have nowadays. He's in the Army and stationed in Maryland, which is a whole heck of a lot closer than California. To make a long and boring story short and sweet, it looks like we may get some help in the baby-things department. My dad is going to come and visit next weekend with 1 of my half-siblings (6 year old brother). I think he's trying to play me. My brother was a micro-preemie. I never asked exactly how many weeks he was born at, but it was between 23 and 25 weeks. He's such a cutie and a big boy now, it's nice to know that we're getting so close to that point where if something were to happen (which it's not) Emmett would be given a fighting chance. It will be a nice reminder.

And hey, some baby clothes and who knows what else. Big plus.

In other news, not much to update on other than how tired I am of machines and nurses checking up on me, the food, and laying down? It's very, very, very uncomfortable. I'm still getting the progesterone shots every Monday, so I have that to look forward to in another day and half, and I should be getting another CL check on Monday and Dr. T wants to consult with a couple more doctors as well. Fun stuff, huh?

2 comments on "Everybody Loves Loot"

Anonymous said...

God love you...what an ordeal !!! You just hang in there all will work itself out and baby will be a bouncing healthy baby boy !!!

Jenny's Delights on January 17, 2009 at 8:51 PM said...

That is AWESOME that he is stepping up! That really is :) I hope maybe this will help your relationship with him a little more. Sounds like maybe he's realizing the situation you are in!