Monday, February 16, 2009

27 weeks

Bedrest Day: 41
Hospital Day: 31

Can you believe it? I'm really only about a week away from the third trimester. Wow is really all I can think to say at this point. I know the whole "when does the third trimester begin" question will get you different answers depending on who you ask, but for me I'll just stick with what my Dr. goes by, which is the end of the 27th week and the beginning of the 28th week. We're almost there! I believe the survival rate at 28 weeks also stands at about 90%. Again, wow.

But, that will be something to celebrate next week. Today, however, is the start of week 27. But we can do a little cheer for that too. The good news is that there's really no news to update on. Everything is looking about the same as last week (funneling/1 cm) although my Dr. did mention I'm a little "soft" which is a concern for me but she says right now so long as my cervix is still closed everything should be fine. Everything else looks good (by the way, there are now only 8 progesterone shots left), and Emmett is head down. Not that it really matters at this stage, right? There's still time for him to flip flop any which way, so long as he's head down when I go into labor!

Oh yeah, and as of yesterday I have officially been in the hospital for 1 whole month. Exciting, huh? It's very, very overrated for anyone who thinks they'd love to just take a break from the world and have other people "cater" to their needs. So, so, so far from reality. I'm bored out of my mind, but on the very bright side I got moved to a new room yesterday and this one actually has a window!! I's the first sky I've seen in weeks, and now it wont be the last. Barring any troubles I have been granted a 15 minute reprieve every day to do some sight seeing around the hospital in a wheelchair. If things haven't changed next week, I may get a whole 30 minutes!!

So what, do you ask, did I do with this treasured excursion today? Shopping!! Oh, I am still on cloud 9 - who would have thought? So now I have 3 new coloring books, a little boy beanie baby-bear for Emmett, and some bubble gum cigars because I really couldn't help myself. All in all, it was a good haul. Maybe next time I'll buy some balloons and throw my own baby shower for myself to play silly games.

Yeah, I know - lame, right?

6 comments on "27 weeks"

Kari on February 16, 2009 at 5:24 PM said...

Wow a window and a wheelchair ride. That is one big day! LOL! I am sure you are sick of the hospital but Emmett will be here in a couple months and it will all be worth it.

Raising Twin Girls on February 16, 2009 at 7:47 PM said...

Yay, another week down and no change. I am hoping for the same result tomorrow. Because of Presidents Day I have to wait until tomorrow to hear the news. I'm so glad you got to do some shopping. Anything to have some normalcy right??? Keep up the good work!

Scott and Tamara on February 16, 2009 at 7:53 PM said...

Heather-lynne, Just wanted you to know that almost 15 years ago found myself in almost the same situation except i was 75% effaced and 3 centimeters dilated at 27 weeks. I was able to hold out until 35 weeks when my water broke. I feel your pain with the hospital and all. Bed rest is boring but so worth it in the end. Just wanted you to know that you have people thinking about you and saying good thoughts and prayers for you a baby Emmett.

Debbie on February 18, 2009 at 1:22 PM said...

Yo, sister-- so, I'm behind on reading. :| But I wanted to come over and tell you I tagged you on my blog! You're it! :)

Moe on February 19, 2009 at 9:43 AM said...

That is such great news! Congratulations!!

Me on February 20, 2009 at 12:45 AM said...

Yay, HL! You are doing so well with all of this. I'm so glad you got a little excursion. Once you get to 28 weeks, each week will be easier. One day at a time - just keep cooking that guy a little longer.

- Tkeys