Sunday, February 8, 2009

Double Digits

Bedrest Day: 33
Hospital Day: 23

It took me a minute or two (or a couple of hours actually) to realize what is so great about today. I kind of tend to focus on the negatives first. Like how I work up this morning unable to bend the middle finger on my left hand without wanting to scream. And yes, I'm being a little dramatic, at least I wanted to whimper and cry a little bit. Turns out I sprained it, not that I have any idea how that happened. It's not like I'm out and playing any sports where this kind of thing can frequently happen. You know, Ultimate hospital bed Frisbee is going to be all the rage pretty soon, but the injury rate is too high; somewhere near 100%.

So I'm kind of just asking for the soreness now, but I can't let my laptop sit idle now that Rob's left already (he's going to go look at strollers/car seats today and make our first real baby purchase) now can I? So I log into my blog to see who has updated theirs recently and the babystrology countdown on my sidebar just draws in my attention. Can you guess what it says (and no cheating)?

99 days to go!!

Wow, I'm really into the double digits! Well, I guess technically I've been in the double digits for a while if you want to take into account that I'm not making it to my due date (unless there's some crazy miracle in store for me). But the fact that there are now less than 100 days until my official due date is kind of a big deal! I'll also be 26 weeks tomorrow. 2 weeks away from the 3rd trimester (or does that start at the end of week 28, everyone says something different).


3 comments on "Double Digits"

Kari on February 8, 2009 at 2:57 PM said...

What a great milestone! I hope little Emmett stays in there for awhile longer!

Alison on February 8, 2009 at 8:35 PM said...

Yay for the double digits!! I was so excited when I hit 90 days!! That meant 3 months exactly!! I really hope little Emmett stay put for as long as possible.
Sorry to hear about your finger though. That is so strange!!

Raising Twin Girls on February 8, 2009 at 11:48 PM said...

Yay for 99 days!!! I can't wait until mine goes into the double digits. That is something to be positive about. Another week down...right?